Monday, January 31, 2011


Hi everyone! I've had a crazy week with 300+ pages of reading and writing assignments, a 7 hour trek home in the snow and some out of town travel for my best friend, Fashion Momma, daughter's 2 year old birthday party. I am disappointed in myself because I honestly didn't finish the reading by a long shot (like 100 pages or more) and I really wanted to. I'm going to try and catch up this week but I have a mid-term and part of a paper to turn in on top of my regular weekly assignments.

I promise I've been cooking and taking pictures but I've been using all the extra time aside from that to read. I have a chili recipe to post and a couple others and I'm making yummy paella tonight so I promise to get them up here ASAP! 

Question: would you rather me post a bunch at one time or try to do one a day so there is always something new to read?!?!?!

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